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Classically Speaking:
Promoting Classic Movies in a Jaded World!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Elizabeth Van Cleve Randolph's STRONG FATHERS

What types of films would I like to see made today?

More Films with STRONG FATHERS (that come that way)

To grasp this concept, watch more movies like:

Room For One More
Room for One More (1952)
with strong father "Poppy" Rose (played by Cary Grant)

This film shows you both a strong mother and a strong father working together to rear happy children. This father (played by Cary Grant) truly provides for his family. He goes to job, brings work home if he has to, shares in all household chores including cooking and dishes, and teaches the children both skills and values. He is kind and loving to his wife and children and even has enough love in heart to care for other children not his own. Everyone should have a father like Poppy Rose.

*Contributed by: "Elizabeth Van Cleve Randolph" Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 / 20:45:51

Movie still displayed: Room For One More (1952)


  • Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 20:45:51

    I recommend the following film with this concept:

    To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) with Atticus Finch (played by Gregory Peck)

    Atticus Finch is a wonderful father from beginning to end. The father is a central character in this story who has great dignity and strength. He raises his children beautifully.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Oct 18, 11:46:00 AM PDT