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Classically Speaking:
Promoting Classic Movies in a Jaded World!

Friday, August 25, 2006


Charles RugglesCHARLIE RUGGLES (1886-1970), born Charles Sherman Ruggles, appeared in over 100 films. He had one of the longest careers in film, lasting over sixty years. His distinctive voice was often used in cartoons. I believe I first heard him in "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show". He was Aesop. Later, he was Benjamin Franklin in the animated television movie, Ben and Me. He appeared on many of my favorite television shows growing up. I saw him in episodes of "The Andy Griffith Show", "Bonanza", "The Beverly Hillbillies", "Bewitched", and "The Munsters". I think I loved him best in The Parent Trap as the girls' grandfather on their mom's side. Charles Ruggles was a wonderful asset to family films.

The Ugly Dachshund (1966)Haven't you seen The Ugly Dachshund (1966)? He plays Doc Pruitt.

Watch this and then see these other four films.

Follow Me, Boys! (1966) He plays John Everett Hughes.
The Parent Trap (1961) He plays the girls' loving grandfather Charles McKendrick.
Bringing Up Baby (1938) He plays Maj. Horace Applegate, big game hunter. You have to see him do his leopard mating call. He's hilarious.
People Will Talk (1935) (As Charles Ruggles), he plays Henry Wilton.

*Contributed by: "Elizabeth Van Cleve Randolph" Date: Fri, Aug 25, 2006 / 20:49:28 PST